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Writer's pictureAseem Tiwari

Survive or Grow- use crowdsourcing to combat COVID-19

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Aseem Tiwari, Director, DigitalMode

Crowdsourcing recently known mostly for raising money or helping the most tech-savvy groups solve technical issues, today businesses at all stages of digital maturity are exploring the crowd and finding it instrumental for surviving, growing or staying flexible.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread uncertainty throughout the global economy, businesses are looking for ways to adapt their offerings and customer engagements to guidelines for social distancing. Individuals are adapting to remote working, and make themselves available for work. Crowdsourcing is aiding the connection between businesses and individuals and in this blog, let’s throw some light on how businesses can leverage the crowd to build resilient and remote workforces. 

Expertise-on-Demand model With traditional staffing, projects usually are put on hold till the organization recruits the right candidates with the necessary skills. Using crowdsourcing models, businesses can immediately connect with individuals by breaking up functions of particular roles into manageable micro-tasks and broadcasting them to the crowd. Talent-as-a-Service model Numerous online marketplaces connect individual members with multiple and varied skills to businesses who are advertising freelance work. Organizations use these platforms to connect with top talent. Since the online marketplace allows organizations to draw from a deeper talent pool, the work is often higher quality, completed faster, and at lower cost. Hybrid Onpremise-Crowd model In traditional staffing models, employees are recognized by the narrow skill sets for which they are hired. Marketers, designers, writers, perform project-specific tasks skills while their secondary skills are often ignored. To keep pace today, businesses need all hands and skills. The hybrid-inhouse crowd model encourages flexibility and a higher quality of work. In turn, workers are more invested in projects. They perform better, and employers come to recognize them and their skills, encouraging further innovations for the organization and opportunities for employee growth. Like all big innovations, crowdsourcing is disruptive. Smart implementation and constant recalibration will ensure positive disruption and support stakeholders involved for a successful transition. What’s important when exploring crowdsourcing models is to remain open to adjusting your approach. Pay attention to the changing demands of your industry, your business, your workforce, and open the floor to creative solutions.

To learn more about crowdsourcing, flexible resourcing, and how to tap into a dynamic global workforce, write back to me.

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