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Writer's pictureAseem Tiwari

What is Data Storytelling and why Growth Marketers use it?

More and more, companies seeking to reach a wider audience are turning to in-depth consumer intelligence to create compelling datastories that captivate their audience and motivate them to buy a particular product or service. While not very novel, data-driven storytelling is quickly emerging as the most efficient method of capturing audiences' attention and effectively connecting with today's consumers.

Data storytelling: What is it?

Using data and analytics to create an engaging story for a target audience is known as "data storytelling." It all comes down to drawing distinct conclusions and employing data as the primary source of guidance.

A brand can only effectively catch attention by focusing on its target audience, which is made possible by meaningful insight, regardless of the objective—forming a distinctive brand identity or creating an engaging marketing campaign. Changing the way this is done requires transformative consumer data that goes well beyond demographics and can quantify interests, attitudes, perceptions, and motives.

Why is data storytelling important?

We all know that the enormous volume of content published every day is overwhelming media platforms and search engines, and it's also overwhelming consumers. A significant amount of content is consistently reproduced or copied from rival websites and publishers.

To put things in context, WordPress alone hosts approximately 70 million blogs every month, not counting blogs on other platforms. Additionally, customers are utilizing a greater number of platforms and devices than before, which means they are continuously exposed to an increasing amount of material to view and consume. This makes it even harder for firms that aren't employing data storytelling to stand out in the eyes of consumers.

What makes a good data story?

Today's marketers can truly elevate storytelling to a new level thanks to the abundance of readily available data. They may craft genuine messages that connect with their consumers on a personal level by having a deeper awareness of their interests, actions, and motivations. Since many consumer purchases are motivated by emotions, many brands are putting more emphasis on figuring out the story that really connects with their target market.

Customers demand a lot from the information they are exposed to. Brands can benefit from the fact that consumers respond best to tailored content that is also meaningful or relevant to them. Speak to them in their language to establish a genuine connection.

How do you create a story using data?

Your entire story should be supported by solid data. Compiling as much data as you can on market trends and your target audience will enable you to offer the critical insights required to create a message that resonates with customers.

Here are a few things to think about while crafting an engaging narrative.

1. Understand your target audience

When most new businesses first launch, they have an idea of how they want their next campaign to be seen by the public. However, it would be risky to stake this significant foundation on a hunch. One of the best things about contemporary marketing is the abundance of consumer data available to you, which provides you with all the necessary information about the target audience. The best place to start is by using this to build a data story based on the facts you are certain about your audience.

2. Shape a strong, defined personality

Customers will find a data story more relevant the more relatable and personable it is. Since people like forming relationships with other people, having a distinct personality will help you connect with customers who are drawn to real communications. Tone of voice, messaging, and purpose are creative elements of a data story that should be informed by customer interest, behavior, and motivation data. This will allow you to communicate with them in a language that they can comprehend.

3. Tell data stories that your competitors are not

Word-of-mouth marketing is quite powerful, and in the social media space, data stories are shared millions of times a day on numerous platforms. In order to make sure your story is one of them, it's critical to learn more about what tales are being recounted, how these might inform your brand's message, and how to make sure you're doing things in a novel way by gathering insights from other companies that your audience follows.

Data storytelling versus data visualization

What is the main difference?

In contrast to data storytelling, which focuses on crafting relatable and persuasive narratives that simplify complex data, data visualization employs a somewhat different methodology. As the name implies, this technique assists in telling a story by using visuals such as charts, graphs, maps, and even animations.

Data and analytics serve as the basis for both of them. It's simple to realize that the most crucial distinction to make is that whereas data visualization focuses on displaying the story, data storytelling aims to convey one.

Finally, here’s why you need data storytelling to win?

One of the most innovative methods for creating a compelling brand identity and launching campaigns that resonate with today's consumers is data storytelling. For this reason, the act of narrative has long been essential to branding and marketing.

Marketers can now better identify which tales will resonate with their target audiences and establish a stronger connection with them thanks to access to massive volumes of more detailed consumer data. Astute brands are already taking advantage of the fact that creating a compelling story driven by data insights is now simpler than ever.

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